About Sedhuro
About the Organization
Socio-Economic Development and Human Rights Organization (SEDHURO) is a Local organization registered and operating in South Central Somalia., an independent, non-religious, not-for profit making and non-political local nongovernmental organization, was established in Kismayo on 21st September 2002 and registered in Somalia, Kenya and Netherlands. The organization was founded by a group of Somali intellectuals and professionals in honor of Sean Devereux, a young British UNICEF staff, who was murdered in Kismayo in 1992, while in a mission to assist the needy Somali people, former known Sean Devereux Human Rights Organization (SEDHURO).
The organization changed its name to Socio-Economic Development and Human Rights Organization (SEDHURO). The name-change was necessitated by the expansion of organizational thematic programs dictated by the growing needs of vulnerable population in operational zones. The aim of establishing the organization was to respond to the sufferings ordinarily Somali women, men, and children were facing on almost daily basis, and widespread violations and rights abuses perpetrated against them, as result of the devastating civil war brought about by the fall of Somalia government in 1991.
Our Objectives
The Objectives of the Organization
To promote access to quality education for all school going children among vulnerable households and increase the levels of literacy among adults in pastoralist and nomadic communities in the Horn of Africa
To improve and promote hygiene and enhance access to health facilities in operating zones. Additionally, to promote HIV/AIDS prevention, awareness, stigma reduction and work for total eradication of FGM.
To support partnership initiative aimed at ensuring that populations living in arid and semi-arid areas have access to safe and sufficient water for both domestic and animal use.
To empower vulnerable groups (youth, women and minority groups) through provision of vocational
training and life skills and increase their access to opportunities.
To provide work for the enhancement of poor and marginalized communities’ livelihoods both in urban and rural
areas through farm and non-farm technology
To enhance sustainable household food and nutrition especially marginalized and disaster affected households while
considering equity and human rights.
Geographical Focus
SEDHURO keeps good and close relationships with the local community, national and federal government of Somalia, regional and district administrations, international community including intergovernmental agencies, UN agencies, INGOs, and local CSOs. SEDHURO’s relationship with other bodies is always based on sole purpose of the promotion of the human rights, women’s rights and child rights situation in Somalia. The operating zones are The Jubba Regions (Lower Jubba and Middle Jubba) which consist of 9districts and the Gedo region (Beled Hawo, Dollo, Garbaharey, Luk and Elwak)